Channel: Warrior Trading
Category: Education
Tags: wall streetbeginner day trading strategiesstocks to day tradeday trading strategieshow to day tradestocksday trade warriorday trading strategyday tradinghow to tradestock tradingwarrior tradingbeginner trading strategiesday traderstock marketpenny stockslearn to trade stockspenny stocks to buy nownyseday tradetrading strategiesday trading livenasdaqhow to trade stocksday trading for beginnersross cameron
Description: Don't miss out on newsletter subscriber exclusives during our Anniversary Event- sign up now and you'll also get a digital download of Ross's book for free Before we continue... Remember, day trading is risky and most traders lose money. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. Prove profitability in a simulator before trading with real money. My results are not typical. Do not mirror trade me, or anyone else. Mirror trading is extremely risky: All of the content on our channel is for educational purposes only. No data, content, or information provided by Warrior Trading, the Site, or the other products and services of Warrior Trading, is intended, and shall not constitute or be construed as, advice or any recommendation to buy, sell or hold a particular security or pursue any particular investment strategy. ️If you don’t agree with those terms and our full disclaimer (, you should not continue watching our videos. Still with me? Now let’s dig into some helpful information … What’s my story? ️ You can read it here: And check out my broker statements here Our website is filled with free info Start with this guide, no opt-in required: Learn about my stock selection process, how I determine entries/exits, my strategy, and more in my free class Register here: During this live day trading stream I may be taking real money day trades. I will be as clear as I can to articulate what I'm looking at as I focus on actively trading stocks that are moving quickly. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from a trader with over 10 years of experience trading the markets. Learning to day trade was one of the best decisions I ever made, but I have to be real with you. It took a lot of hard work to get where I am today. Trading is not easy, it takes a long time to get good. I encourage you to focus on beginner day trading strategies when you are starting to learn how to trade stocks. Beginner day trading strategies involves focusing on the highest relative volume leaders among the top 10 percentage gainers each day. Not sure what that means? Check out this video here: During todays episode I traded $IDAI (NASDAQ) #daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade #trading #stocktrading Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior